MOnitoring REcyclates for Europe
We support the goal to reach 10 million tonnes of recycled plastic in the sector by 2025

This is a platform to monitor the volumes of recycled plastic polymers that are consumed in Europe in order to reach the goal of 10 million tonnes of recycled plastic by 2025. It was established by the CPA (Circular Plastics Alliance). In exchange, companies receive a certificate to prove their participation in and contribution to the project.
About MORE
In 2019, the EuPC (European Plastics Converters) association launched the MORE (MOnitoring REcyclates) platform as an official tool to monitor recyclates. This platform invited all European plastic material processors to annually record the amount of recyclates that they use to manufacture their products.
Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The plastic sector
in Europe
Over 55,000 companies are comprised within the European plastics industry, and they are mainly dedicated to plastic material processing. Over 1.5 million people work in this sector. The processors are currently members of the EuPC, which represents 28 national associations and 18 sector organisations, making them a powerful voice for the European plastics processing industry.

How is
data collected?
The amount of recycled material consumed in the previous year is declared annually in a detailed survey that each company receives.
The information collected shows how the figures of recycled polymers that are added to new products have evolved, and how the sector is coming close to meeting the goals of the Circular Plastics Alliance ® (CPA) that the European Commission established for the 2025 horizon.
The Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) covers the entire value chain of plastics, including over 300 public-private companies and organisations.
The CPA has recognised MORE as an official tool for compiling global data on the evolution of how recycled material is used in Europe.

How does the Armando Alvarez Group contribute?
1. We support the initiative
We joined the MORE platform project from its very beginning, which proves our commitment to sustainability.
2. We are transparent
3. We include all our companies
4. We promote plastic circularity
We progressively add more recycled raw material in our solutions. This actively contributes to promoting circular economy and to reaching our goal for the 2030 Agenda, i.e. 70% sustainable materials.
5. We contribute to change
At the Armando Alvarez Group we pay special attention to incorporating new technologies in our production process. We regularly invest to improve the efficiency of our processes and sustainability. We are currently in the midst of an interesting time when we can prioritize the use of sustainable materials in the production chain.
Benefits of using recycled polymers

Sustainability plan
We promote plastics circularity