FFS Tube
A bag for life
360º circuit + 30% recycled material

At every one of the Armando Alvarez Group’s plants in Spain we have set up a collection circuit for the plastic bags that we receive as packaging for the raw materials we use in our manufacturing. These bags are recovered in our own recycling plant, which has been certified by AENOR and EUCERTPLAST. We then give these bags a second life by including 30% recycled material in the new FFS (Form Fill and Seal) Tubing that we manufacture and supply to Dow.
The FFS Tubes are used by Dow, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, to package new resins at its plant in Tarragona. This promotes a shift towards the circular use of plastics and reduces CO2 emissions.
ECOdesign of the FFS Tube
with 30% PCR
What was the challenge?
To design a closed collection circuit that would allow us to recover the polyethylene bags that contain the pellets used in our manufacturing as recycled material and include them in the packaging of Dow’s products with post-consumer recycled material, ensuring the traceability and quality of the material and reducing CO₂ emissions.
Do you want sustainable FFS tube?


In all of the Armando Alvarez Group’s companies, we have set up a closed internal circuit for the polyethylene bags that contain the pellets used in our manufacturing in Spain.

These bags are pressed, stored and sent to our recycling plant, where they are turned into recycled pellets which are certified by AENOR in accordance with standard UNE-EN 15343 and by Eucertplast, which is recognised throughout Europe.
Teams of technicians from Dow and GAA worked together to develop the formula that would allow us to include 30% PCR while maintaining the thickness and mechanical properties, in turn enabling us to reduce CO2 emissions by 15%.

The FFS tubing with 30% PCR that was formulated by Dow was manufactured at Silvalac, which is certified by Recyclass and AENOR, and it is currently being supplied to Dow’s plant in Tarragona.

In all of the Armando Alvarez Group’s companies, we have set up a closed internal circuit for the polyethylene bags that contain the pellets used in our manufacturing in Spain.

These bags are pressed, stored and sent to our recycling plant, where they are turned into recycled pellets which are certified by AENOR in accordance with standard UNE-EN 15343 and by Eucertplast, which is recognised throughout Europe.

Teams of technicians from Dow and GAA worked together to develop the formula that would allow us to include 30% PCR while maintaining the thickness and mechanical properties, in turn enabling us to reduce CO2 emissions by 15%.

The FFS tubing with 30% PCR that was formulated by Dow was manufactured at Silvalac, which is certified by Recyclass and AENOR, and it is currently being supplied to Dow’s plant in Tarragona.

360º Circuit

Reduces CO₂ emissions and promotes resource circularity

In our sector we are promoting a shift towards the circular use of plastics. With this new FFS tubing made with PCR, we recover the used bags and give them a new life.
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Sustainability plan
We promote plastics circularity